Sooo. Up all night basically, studying-ish for a test that I'm too distracted to do really well on (how promising). I have much to do. But I am feeling very positive and dedicated this week. By Thanksgiving I should feel semi accomplished. Here's hoping.
I still have quite the problem getting to class. And it seems I may have encountered my first writer's block in a lonnnng time in regards to my short for screenwriting tonight. Not sure what to do about that. I'll work around it.
I just have so much to do and so little organizational skills. But I'ma tryin'.
Here's the exciting bit, and what I was feeling motivated about today-- registration, weee!
I have a minor, and it's name is, of all things, theology. For real.
I was going to go for German but my advisor said maybe not such a good idea as it's been so long, I'd have to take 5 courses rather than 4, and many of them are not offered at good times. Sooo. theology just worked out well. And moreso-- one of the classes offered is on Dante's Inferno. I am so very psyched. And weirded out by my psychedness?
Anyway, also, taking theology as a minor is allowing me more room to take other electives- mostly theatre and conversational german. I'm happy about that. I want to get back to German and I want to conquer it. And then I want to learn French. And then I can rest for some tea. Theatre is just something I miss.
To do:
Cake concert on Saturday. Buy ticket for said concert.
Jon's play next week. Buy ticket for said play.
Send bill & call to cancel card
Send card to parents
Take poor dead computer (yes, more on that one day) to IT guys.
Email supervisor dude
Get started on Theology Paper (women)
Get started on Lit presentation
Finish Second Act of Jackson Hole script
Read/Skim Reading Lolita In Tehran-- basically the only interesting book we 've touched in class.
Enter American Short fiction. And that one on craigslist.
That I may love the right way, the way they need to be loved.
That I may do the right thing.
To catch one up, I must briefly speak on things that occurred one or two weeks ago-- I don't really remember when, but--
Monday Night- The film department offers us filmees a special, free screening of certain movies, often accompanied by Q&A from someone involved in the filmmaking. We get to watch the movies in the theatre here and tis a lovely thing. Anyway, my first experience was REPO! THE GENETIC OPERA. Which was definitely an experience. I was pretty much grossed out by the whole thing and felt pretty ick sitting through alot of it, but that said it definitely had its moments, I was impressed by the cast, and I really, really liked the music alot. The best part, however, was observing the Q&A with the writers, producer and director. They had a great sense of humor and are very passionate about their project baby. That made me happy. And almost forget how ick the movie was. Anthony Stewart Head, though, woo. Very cool man.
Tuesday Night- yeah, nothing happened. I drank a milkshake and fell asleep in the study room. My RA finds me a strange person.
Wednesday- I was invited randomly by this girl in my Survey of Mass Media Class to go to a taping of Ellen, so we took off to Burbank for that. We waited for about ever, and only got into the riff-raff room, but as a result we got guaranteed tickets for January (our pick), and the season 2 DVDs for Heroes. And the people there are very upbeat and fun, so it was a pleasant experience.
Thursday- amazing. A theatre kid here, Sam, passed away (not sure the details) this time last year, and his friends organized a memorial concert for him this year. Sam was a Beatles fan so they played all- Beatles songs. I was very curious about it at first, and was quite dissapointed by what I first heard- many amateurs who apparently just learned how to play the piano or guitar struggling through The Long and Winding Road or Across the Universe (whyyyyy), orrrr dudes who just flat-out cannot sing to save their lives crucifying Lady Madonna and I Am The Walrus (Lennon cries). After that, though, the acts got better and better. Some sang Because in three-part harmony, a fellow played Goodnight on the piano. An amazing band did the ENTIRE MEDLEY at the end of Abbey Road (from You Never Give Me Your Money all the way to Her Majesty!!).. and they were amazing. Another band played all of George's, including Gently Weeps with GREAT success. It all wound down with the whole group singing Hey Jude and us, the audience, singing as loud as we could and clapping right along to the endless refrain- and even after that we sang All you need is Love. That was terrific. It was all outdoors with slight but funky lights and quite a few people sprawled on the grass. It made me fall in love with that music all over again and made me feel like perhaps I had stepped through time for a few hours. Yeah. It made me feel happy to be here.
All of that happiness is of course encased in a yo-yo that dives where it may, but I'm getting a grip on it. We're gonna be okay, she loves you yeah yeah yeah.
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