Sunday, January 16, 2011


Also, I have now seen True Grit 4 times. It's tremendously inspiring for me. What a gorgeous movie. What brilliant dialogue. My God, I love good cinema. I don't really want to watch movies on the small screen anymore-- I'm realizing I don't feel the need to pay as much attention as I do when I see them in the theatre. I need to be awed, I think. We both deserve that for our money-- me and the movies.


Sonja said...

I still haven't seen it yet. :( I was looking forward to reading your film post (which I did read and enjoyed) but then I realized I hadn't seen any of the movies you actually er...talked about. Though your comments made me want to go see them straight away.

I miss my car. :(

K said...

I know! What is the deal with your transportation? Can you take a bus there, or is the bus route very inconvenient?

And I haven't finished that post yet! I was thinking about it up till the wee hours but I still have much to say about Black Swan & Catfish and so on.

Sonja said...

As far as I know, there is no bus system here in Nowheresville. :p

Biking is annoying and scary because there is no place for bicyclists to bicycle. And drivers don't care, lol. Not to mention the monthly flats.

If I wasn't so lazy I'd just walk the three miles there. Meh.